
Employer Volunteer Grants

Does your employer have a volunteer grant or “dollars for doers” program? The John Deere Classic is a 501(c)3 (Quad Cities Golf Classic Charitable Foundation), and might be an eligible organization! Funds from volunteer grants go to the Bonus Fund that helps provide the bonus of at least 5% to all participating charities in the Birdies for Charity program. Our Tax ID is 93-1332421.

What Are Volunteer Grants? These nifty programs, offered by many companies, allow employees to convert their volunteer hours into financial support for nonprofits. By participating in volunteer grants, employees can contribute to nonprofits and causes they care about simply by donating their time. It’s a win-win situation that promotes a positive impact on both the employees and the community as a whole.

How Can You Get Involved?

  1. Keep Swinging: Maintain your volunteer momentum. Whether you’re marshaling fairways, assisting players, or ensuring smooth operations, every hour counts.
  2. Corporate Inquiry: Reach out to your HR department or explore your company’s intranet. Look for details on volunteer grant programs (sometimes called “Dollars for Doers” programs).
  3. Submit Your Scorecard: If your employer participates, complete the necessary forms they require. Some employers might require evidence of your volunteer hours!  
  4. Company Review: Your employer will review your request. If all aligns, they’ll contribute a grant based on your volunteered time.