Partner Program
The Partner Program is for those generous people (donations of $1,500 and above) who don’t necessarily want to be in the contest, but still want to support their favorite charities, and the tournament. There are great benefits for both the charity and the donor. Partner Program donations now account for over two thirds of the overall dollars collected through the Birdies for Charity program.
If you are a donor:
Your generosity is rewarded three times over with a Partner Program donation. Here’s how it works:
- Every dollar you donate goes directly to the charity, as the John Deere Foundation covers all administrative costs.
- Your charity receives additional support, as each dollar they receive qualifies for a minimum 5% bonus payment post-tournament.
- Partner donations are potentially 100% tax deductible, as no goods or services are exchanged.
While Partner packages no longer include tickets to the tournament, Partner level donations of $1,500 or more to the Bonus Fund, Bird #1041 (also called the Platinum Tee Club) continue to include tickets to the John Deere Classic! Please consider including the Bonus Fund in your pledges so that your contributions can have TWICE the impact for our community and participating charities.
NOTE: Pledges and payments without charity designation and donor detail will be applied to the Birdies for Charity Bonus Fund benefiting all participating organizations. Grants from donor advised funds, private foundations and qualified charitable distributions are not eligible for JDC benefits per IRS regulations.
Reach out to Micaela Booth for more information at or (309) 762-4653.
Another benefit of the Partner program is that it offers donors tax-savvy ways to give including proceeds from stock sales, Qualified Charitable Distributions and gifts from donor advised funds. Please use the forms below to notify us of these incoming gifts, so we are prepared to receive the check from your financial institution!

Stock Sales
Charitable donations of proceeds from stock sales are an easy and tax-effective way to support your favorite charities through Birdies for Charity!

QCDs, also know as IRA Charitable Rollvers, are a savvy way for individuals 70 ½ or older to reduce their taxable income while maximizing their charitable impact.

The Quad Cities Golf Classic Charitable Foundation is an IRS qualified public charity, and is eligible to receive contributions from your donor advised fund.
2024 Partner Program Donors
Diamond Partner ($10,000 and above) | Gold Partner ($5,000) |
Samuel & Marsha Allen Steve & Jane Bahls John & Lynn Bestold BITCO Insurance Companies Paul & Jill Brown & Family Dr. Aaron & Ada Christopher Terry & Lesley Conning Jason T. & Brittany A. Daly Mike & Myra Daniel Lili B. & Clarence A. Darrow Deloitte Don Doucette & Lynn Drazinski Mara & Mike Downing Duffy Family / Per Mar Security Elanders Americas Empeople Credit Union Dave & Linda Emrick Kristin & Jonathan Esche Chad & Caroline Everitt Dan & Julie Fitzpatrick Paul & Molly Foley David & Lori Gilmore Jeffrey Goldstein & Regina Feldman-Goldstein Michael & Monique Gorsline Shaun & Victoria Graves Greenstate Credit Union Group O Marie-Catherine & Pierre Guyot Leslee & Barry Hager Mark & Jennifer Halupnik Stephen & Kelly Hamborg Than & Jennifer Hartsock Tami & Brian Hedgren Jerry & Sue Horton Charitable Giving Fund The Hubbell-Waterman Foundation Dean & Rosemary Huisingh Nancy & Doug Hultquist HyVee Dave & Peg Iglehart IMEG Corp. J & J Real Estate Joshua & Lara Jepsen Joseph & Patricia Judge Jack & Mary Kearney Todd & Amy Kersten Malik & K Khaliq Kenneth R. Koupal & Dr. Thomas E. Kersting Zack & Deanna Kovar Richard & Judy Kreiter James & Hillary Leach John & Cheryl May Jim & Tara McCabe Jeff & Lisa McCraw Mel Foster Co. Harry & Georgia Mihm Modern Woodmen of America Moline Regional Community Foundation William & Renee Moon Morency Family Giving Fund Marcus & Theresa Needham Nestle Purina PetCare Linda Newborn Ron & Amy Nimmer Northwest Bank & Trust David & Joyce Nuernberger David & Nikole Ottavianelli Tom & Susan M. Parker Parr Instrument Company Jerred & Samantha Pauwels PB Leiner Barbara Polios Brian & Jennifer Preston Felecia Pryor Quad City Bank & Trust Susan Quail Adrian & Debra Rantilla Sue & Bill Rector Cory & Heather Reed David & Darlene Reisenbigler Republic Companies Tony & Cheryl Rollin Royal Neighbors of America RSM US LLP Jackie Ruggles Ruhl & Ruhl Realtors Caitlin Russell & Nic Brandt Salzman International, Inc. Alejandro Sayago Paul & Emily Scranton Sears Seating The Sedona Group / Rick John Deb & Randy Sergesketter Cosette Shrader Joe & Ann Slavens Kerry & Julie Smith Tom Spitzfaden SSAB Debby & Hugh Stafford Mike & Donna Steffenson Dave & Jana Steil Sterilite Thoms Giving Beth & Scott Tinsman Jr. The Tinsmans- Twin State Tri-City Electric Co. Jeff & Sue Tunberg Jon & Michelle Tunberg Steve & Rori Vandemore Paul & Donna VanDuyne Eduardo Viera & Ana Maldonado Mike & Joanie Vonderhaar Bob & Kim Waterman C. Dana & Faye A. Waterman Marvin Webb Mike & Diane Whiteman Whitey’s Ice Cream Wallas E. Wiggins Martin & Celeste Wilkinson Dale & Marie Ziegler Zimmerman Honda | AGFA Healthcare Corporation Steve & Rosemary Barton John & Elodie Betzle CBI Bank & Trust Connie & Chris Connolly Davenport Noon Optimist Club Dave Dellitt Brad & Laura Donovan ECHO Ltd Eye Surgeons Associates First Wealth Financial Group Trevor & Jodi Fisk Lee & Jennifer Garlach David & Rene Gellerman Marvel Green Duane & Margaret Haas Michael & Hedy Hustedde Iowa American Water Angela Johanningmeier Chuck & Jeane Keibler Malik J. Khaliq / Khaliq Group of Wells Fargo Advisors Robert & Karla Larsen Lohman Companies Amy & Brian Lovig Mack, Jansen, Keeney & Associates Lee & Julia Marbach Steve McCann & Heidi Parkhurst Mechanical Contractors Association | Plumbers & Pipefitters Local Union #25 of Skilled Neighbors Jean & Gary Medd Monarch – Kitchen & Bar Holmes Murphy Elisabeth & Sam Norwood Michael & Sue Oberhaus Old National Bank Jason Stanley Honorable Maggie Tinsman Treiber Construction Co., Inc. Tri-City Building Trades Council Randy & Barbara Westerdale Dana & Mark Wilkinson |
Silver Partner ($3,000) | Bronze Partner ($1,500) |
Jay & Krisan Albert Carole & Dick Bondi Build to Suit, Inc. Cardiovascular Medicine, P.C. Climate Engineers Dennis & Vicki Conard Crawford Company Davenport Eye Group J.H. Findorff & Son Imc Abbey Furlong & Sam Skorepa Joyce & Tom Hein Graham & Patty Hinch William & Brenda Horaney Dave Howell IMPACT Construction Agreement Michael Kelly & Susan Balciulis Mark & Kathy Kilmer Kurt & Jan Meyer Doug Moeller & Amy Watters-Moeller NAI Ruhl Commercial Performance Food Group Prairie Farms Dairy, Inc. – Cheese Division Quad City NECA / IBEW Local 145 Kay K. Runge Associates Shared IT Streamline Architects Richard Tiwald Jeff & Karen VanDeCasteele | Allied Construction Services, Inc. Steven P Anderson, DDS & Kathryn Emorey Blackhawk Bank & Trust Jennifer Blakeney Paul & Kathy Brown Clock Tower Community Bank Community Health Care Richard Davidson Bill & Sue Eby Edwards Creative Patrick & Trish Eikenberry Laura “Divot” Ekizian John & Marie Feehan John Gardner & Catherine Weideman Hansaloy Denise Garrett Eugene & Suzanne Hawkinson Heidi & Tim Hobkirk HUB International Mo & Marcy Hyder Steven & Mary Korrect Lane & Waterman Lee Enterprises Kurt Lokenvitz Gregg Malicki Meduit Mid-America Carpenters Regional Council Doug & Diane Nelson Ray & Cynthia Parrish Adam Pelzer Clair & Chari Peterson Phoenix Corporation of the Quad Cities Dr. Alta L. Price Quad Corporation Russell Shive – Hattery Chris & Flo Spyrow TBK Bank Tettens Grain Inc. Transamerica UA Local 25 Plumbers & Pipefitters Sheila Volrath Wastyn & Associates, Inc. Rian & Lindsay Waterman Xenotronics Company |